FirstService Project Management (FSPM) was hired to coordinate and oversee a three-level interior garage repair project.
During FSPMs review of the specs and drawings, FSPM advised the board to close the garage for the duration of the project, since working in different phases would not be cost effective.
The ownerships partners commenced the conversion of the property in 2005 and were unable to coordinate all the aspects of the conversion. In 2007 FSPM was retained to coordinate and complete this project as it had stalled and the workmanship was in question.
FSPM assisted with providing alternate parking solutions for shareholders which included discounted rates at nearby facilities throughout the construction period.
The project scope of work was increased to include the replacement of all lighting with energy efficient fixtures.
FSPM successfully coordinated with all of the trades and was able to complete the project on schedule and on budget.
FSPM is also providing a maintenance program for the new coating system.